a white box with a green light on it

Adding WIFI to remote building

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Do you have another building on you property that you want to get internet to and cant run an ethernet cable to it, I was in the same situation. Me and my parents live on the same property and were wanting to share internet because its cheaper than us both paying for it. I already had starlink at my house which has worked out great and mom and dad had a hotspot that they were using and it was really slow. Our houses are close to 300 feet from each other and I really didn’t want to run a cable the whole way there.

So I bought two TPLink CPE 210 and mounted one on my house and one on my parents house to make the link between houses. The one on my house was set up as an access point and connected to my router. I mounted it up on my roof eave pointing it in the direction on my parents house. The second one was mounted on my parents house on their roof eave pointing back at my house and it was set up as the client.

CPE 210

Now for set up of both CPE210s I will suggest setting them both up together before mounting them, it makes it so much easier. Also you need an older version on google chrome or Firefox to set them up because of the older firmware it is shipped with. Definitely read the directions because it will save you a lot of heartache. Once they are both set up the way you want then mount them to where they have a clear line of sight.

a white box with a green light on it

Now on the remote side in this case my parents house you need an access point on the inside to broadcast your SSID from you house. You can use whatever you prefer for this what I did was use and Unifi 6 pro . They are fast access points and are a nice clean install. Just run an ethernet cable between this and the CPE 210 that is outside and boom your done.

a circular object with a blue light

Now there are probably better and cheaper setups for this but with the combination of the TPLink CPE210 and Unifi 6 pro it worked out great. The signal and internet speed are great which makes my parents happy. plus now that they are on the same network as use every time my kids go down to see their grandparents their internet on their tables always stays connected so no more upset kids, yah me lol.

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